Teacher, Headteacher of the 2nd Primary School of Agia Varvara (http://2dim-ag-varvar.att.sch.gr/) Adult Educator (MA) and Scientific Collaborator of the Institute of Educational Policy for Action 4 “Educational actions to support the education of refugee children”. At the same time, his writing, research and teaching work for adults focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of programs for teaching Greek as a second language to vulnerable social groups, the design and implementation of programs for the development of experiential active educational techniques as well as the training of adult trainers through experiential workshops with the use of literary texts. His articles have been published in foreign and Greek scientific journals, while he has also taken part in domestic and international conferences with presentations and experiential workshops. In recent years, he has been working voluntarily with M.S.F. to raise awareness among teachers, not only for the acceptance of diversity.