Athina-Anna Christopoulou is the Head of the Unit for the Protection of the Rights of Students with Disabilities and/or Special Educational Needs at the Greek Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs & Sports. She is also the Representative of Board for Greece at the European Agency for Special Needs & Inclusive Education & one of the members of its Management Board. She holds a B.A. in Philosophy, Education and Psychology from the University of Ioannina, a M.Ed in Educational Psychology from the University of Manchester, a M.A in Education and Human Rights (Specialisation: Special Education) from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens & London School of Education, a Med in “Educational Studies” from the Hellenic Open University and a Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling and Vocational Guidance from the Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE). She is currently completing her PhD in the field of special & inclusive education at the University of Athens. She has worked for 23 years in mainstream and special education schools of the Greek and the British educational system, in Centres for Interdisciplinary Assessment, Counselling & Support as well as in the Department of Special Education of the Pedagogical Institute & the Institute of Educational Policy. In addition, her professional experience includes teaching at teacher training programs and postgraduate courses of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, the University of West Attica & the European University of Cyprus. In addition, she has participated as a coordinator for Greece in: a) programs for the promotion of inclusive education in the framework of technical assistance actions financed by the European Commission (Structural Reform Support Service), b) Erasmus+ programs in Inclusion Education and c) a series of transnational programs organized by the European Agency for Special Education and Inclusive Education. In terms of area of expertise related research, she has participated as an expert in research projects on mapping of vulnerable social groups, in the development of guides for Differentiated Instruction as well as the creation of accessible material for people with disabilities and/ or special educational needs. She has also participated in scientific conferences and has published articles in hellenic and international journals on inclusive education topics.