Mary Kyriazopoulou has a PhD in inclusion. She has been working as a Project Manager for the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education since 1999. Tasks include contributing to policy-making, research and practice in Special Needs and Inclusive Education in collaboration with nominated experts from Member States on a range of topics: Inclusive Early Childhood Education in Europe, Vocational Education and Training for Learners with Special Educational Needs, Transition from school to employment, Developing a set of indicators for inclusive education in Europe, Multicultural diversity and Special Needs Education, The Changing Role of Specialist Provision to Support Inclusive Education, etc.
Team leader in four actions undertaken by the Agency as a technical provider for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DGREFORM) aimed at supporting countries in relation to reforms of inclusive education systems.
From 1987 – 1998, expert on socio-economic integration of the European Commission providing technical assistance for the First, Second and Third Community Action Programme for the Equalization of Opportunities for and the Integration of Disabled People in Europe (HELIOS Programme), General Directorate of Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs of the European Commission; Actions in favour of Disabled People.