Giorgos Panagiotopoulos is Associate Professor at the University of Patras. Graduated in Political Science and Public Administration from the EKPA, the Pedagogical Academy of Rhodes and the Maraslio Didaskalion of the University of Athens with a specialization in Special Education. His postgraduate studies are in Health Unit Management and his Doctoral Thesis in the field of human resources education and training. Since 2006, he has been a Collaborating Teaching Staff in the “Educational Sciences” Master’s Program of the Hellenic Open University and a lecturer in the “Educational Management” master’s program of the Department of Administrative Science and Technology of the University of Patras. His teaching work also includes teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate study programs of the University of Patras, the Democritus University of Thrace, the University of the Aegean, the former TEI Dyt. of Greece, of the former TEI of Patras and ASPAITE (Patra branch).
His scientific work focuses on the management, training and development of human resources and includes participation in research projects, international publications, writing books and book chapters and scientific presentations at international conferences.