Snežana Vuković, PhD, Psychologist, Specialist and Master of Management and Organization of the Education System, , Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (born on May 26, 1964 ).
Head of the Department for human and minority rights in education, in charge of education of vulnerable groups and human rights in the Ministry of Education Republic of Serbia and Assistant professor Union University in Belgrade.
Member of several intersectoral bodies in the RS Government and expert working groups and member of
EPAN Bureau from 2023. and EPAN Network for Education Policies – National Coordinator / member of the Council of Europe Coordinator Network since 2017. https://rm.coe.int/epan-members-2021-web-/1680a23840. National Co-ordinator in the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education
( https://www.european-agency.org/country-information/serbia/your-agency-representative)
She is author of several professional books and articles in scientific journals.
Expertise: Psychology and pedagogy of education: inclusion of vulnerable social groups, national minorities, migrants, pedagogy and psychology of sports, Prevention and management of stress; Strategic planning; Gender equality; Human rights education and competencies for democratic culture, etc.